Monday, July 7, 2008


We are in class from 8am until 10pm every night. We literally follow an eat, class, eat, class schedule. The conversations are continually controversial and abstract and force you to think in ways you never have before, needless to say I am exhausted. Part of the "experience" here is visiting as many museums as humanly possible in 16 days...I think we are on visit 7 in a week, sometimes packing in 3 in one day.

One of the more popular museums is very progressive with a lot of abstract sculptures and other art I don't even know how to categorize. On our last visit we were looking at one particular artist's work in which we had to walk around and tell the class how the art "makes us feel". (did I mention this was a touchy feely place?)

Anyway, we're in a group of about 40 people who are giving these profound intellectual responses that conjure up images of war, politics, sexuality, ect...and all I can think of is "I feel hungry and I have to pee..." hmm...maybe because I am exhausted and pregnant?

So I'm feeling pathetically disengaged from our tour and wanting to get out of there when we walk down to the last sculpture. It is a large concrete...I don't know, pyramid(??) with large, individual, cylinder charcoal black piles all around its base. As I walked up to it, in voice much louder than I intentioned I blurted out:

"Is that dog shit?"

Real progressive.

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