Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I am...

For one of our classes we were asked to write a "poem" using an I am from...pattern to talk about our past and present. (Did I mention that this is a very liberal touchy feely place???) Anyway, for those of you that know me really well, you know I don't like to draw attention to myself when it comes to anything personal. We have to read this in front of our class and I thought that if I could share this with a room full of strangers, I could share with the people I love.

I am from barefoot summers picking sun warmed strawberries and fresh corn from the yard.

I am from fragrant flowers reminding me of death.

I am from being given space to grow and discover.

I am from a liberal and a conservative, at odds with policy but united in marriage.

I am from educated role models, supporting, encouraging, nurturing and loving.

I am from abuse. Angry words and actions born of fear and hate.

I am from scars. Daily reminders of a time I could not control.

I am from the bottom of darkness providing a platform for discovery and rebirth.

I am from forgiveness, finding inner strength and a belief in myself.

I am from compassion, a belief in the goodness of people and second chances.

I am from music and art, expression and uniqueness.

I am from a man showing me passion, acceptance and unconditional love.

I am from laughter and family, spirituality and friendship.

I am from tiny chubby fingers exploring the curves of my face.

I am from amazement, experiencing the gift of a growing new life.

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