Thursday, July 10, 2008


We had another museum assignment today. (shocker) This time we had to sign our name under one of three location choices and go to that museum to look a various aspects that could affect curriculum. We were prompted to pick a museum based on our previous experience there and (again) "how it made us feel".

After our "research" was complete our group sat around comparing notes and preparing our presentation. We had to tell everyone in the group what motivated us to choose this particular museum. Answers varied from "I was moved by (fill in the blank) art piece" or "I feel the most comfortable here" we were going around the table I anxiously watched as my turn drew nearer and I was panicking about what kind of insightful response I could offer.

My turn came.

"Erin, what motivated you to pick this museum out of the three choices?'

I thought to myself ...oh screw it, I'll just tell the truth.

"They sell ice cream."

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