Thursday, October 15, 2009

Here Mommy!

Often times when I am driving in the car Chloe will pipe up from the back seat: "Here mommy, I'm done!" Usually she is handing me an empty sippy cup or a wrapper from her snack. Typically, I blindly reach behind me and grab whatever it is she is holding. I rarely pay attention anymore, this has become part of our routine.

Today on the way home Chloe says "here mommy" so I reach back, not even thinking that she has not had anything to eat or drink. A rational person might wonder what it is she has to give, not I. As usual, I reach back and feel her tiny finger rub inside my palm, followed by something sticky.

Me: "Chloe, what are you giving Mommy?"

Chloe: (very matter of factly) "A boogie"


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