Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sick Mommy :(

(not for queasy eyes)
On Sunday I started a nasty flu. By 8pm I couldn't keep anything down or in so I called the doctor. We were instructed to come into the hospital right away to get IV fluids so neither I, nor the baby, would get dehydrated, which was my main concern. She said to plan on staying the night.

By the time the doctor actually returned the phone call and we were able to pack a quick overnight bag, it was close to what to do with Chloe?

We decided to take her with us and have my mom meet us at the hospital, that way she could drive Chloe to daycare in the morning and we would disrupt her routine as little as possible.

Poor Matt wasn't allowed to stay the night because A.) I had a roommate and B.) I wasn't in active labor. So off he went after I was settled (at 1 in the morning) to sleep at my parents. Totally exhausted, but as usual, never complained.

I ended up with 5 bags of fluid, tons of contractions, a roommate who moaned and watched T.V. the entire night, and no visit by the doctor on call...but luckily I was allowed to come home early Monday afternoon.

I camped out at my parent's house until Tuesday night so Chloe wouldn't get sick. I am finally feeling better today and was able to eat a little, fun.

On a lighter note: on the way to the hospital we were stopped at a light, next to a few cars and while Matt is trying to get us to the hospital quickly and safely, I was dry heaving into a garbage bag and Chloe was in the back seat singing "If You're Happy and You Know It." :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how a child can make an awful situation seem not so bad?