Yesterday we had our halfway point ultrasound with the baby. We realized that this baby will be the 10th grandchild on Matt's side and the 6th on mine. Neither of the grandmothers had been to an ultrasound with any of the kids so we invited them both.
So our entourage consisting of Matt, myself, Chloe, GiGi, and Nana went to the ultasound together. We still want to be surprised about the baby's sex, but it was hard not to try and peek between the legs to see if we could catch a glimpse of anything...we saw things but I have no clue what we were looking the gender is still a mystery.
All in all the test went well, they had to check my cervical length because of preterm labor with Chloe...(more on that later). They measured all of the baby's parts from top to bottom. Now, I think I may have mentioned that I am gaining weight like a pro...maybe a little more than the "recommended" amount. So we're just about done when the tech exclaims:
"The baby is about 8oz"
Me: "That's big isn't it?"
Tech: "Yeah, really big"
Tech: "The doctors told you that your due date is January 3, but I am showing a due date of the 8th:
Me: "So the baby is already really big for the January 3 date and now your telling me the due date should be a week later?"
Tech: "Yes"
So I'm giving birth to a giant??? Great.